Obama quotes -- Geeez!

Our first confessed crack smoking president.

Quotable Quotes

Before getting into the currency question, let me say this: I think more saving (and investment) by U.S. citizens is a great idea. But this need not come at the expense of consumption. (Asia tour - November 2009)


In a prosperous free economy, people should be able to save, invest, work and spend as much as they like. More is better than less in each case. Grow the pie larger. ( Asia tour - November of 2009)


Least You Forget: On July 2, 2008, Obama had this to say: "We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."


All Government spending is Stimulus. (early March 2009)


Only government can break the cycle that is crippling our economy (early March 2009)

And then there is this. One of our quotes above can be found at 16;46 into this speech - his remarks about a civilian army. But before he gets to that, In this Colorado speech, spoke of doubling the size of the Peace Corp before 2011; creating an Energy Corp, and increasing AmericCorp from 75,000 to 250,000. He failed to mention that these folks will be forbidden to attend church or participate in any activity that appears to be partisan (in other words, opposing his Administration.

In this speech, he speaks these words as to the direction and use of America's volunteers: " . . . we will direct that service to our most pressing national challenges . . . " without giving a hint as to what those challenges might be. We now know - as a result of the early 2009 elections - that he intends to use these volunteers to "get out the vote," a "bipartisan" effort that will benefit only the Democrat Party, ala ACORN's "non-partisan" get out the vote efforts over the years that has resulted, historically, in millions of Democrat voters against a few hundred Republican voters. As you listen to this speech, can you imagine that those Vets in the background, have no idea that Obama is announcing plans for a Marxist take-over of American ideals as defined in the Constitution? The clap but have no idea they are listening to one who cares nothing for them or their history.