Globalism versus national sovereignty.

Obama says, ‘There is going to be a tug-of-war within the US between those who see globalization as a threat, and those who accept it’: HERE
Obama + George Soros + Petrobras + $ Billions USD: HERE
Gulf oil drilling moratorium + job killing + $2 billion sent to Brazil: HERE
Obama’s BP holdings sold just weeks before the Gulf oil spill, then underwrites foreign offshore drilling: HERE
Gulf oil spill reporters and investigators face prison: HERE
Where’s the oil?: HERE
Pain at the pump — media lap dogs silent: HERE
Obama dipstick: HERE
Another oil spill in the Gulf near W&T Matterhorn SeaStar: HERE
Big gains in the war on middle class: HERE
Stimulus money went to foreign banks and industry: HERE and HERE
Our nation cannot survive treason from within: HERE
h/t: Jim R